Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Small Business Institute Program

Professor Harriet Stephenson has one summer quarter undergraduate class providing overall analysis to small businesses. Classes begin June 18, and client selection is Wednesday, June 20.

Potential clients will be invited to give an informal pitch on that day. Coming to class is not required, but it increases the probability of being selected.

Would like potential clients to be available for presentation from 2-3:35 PM. Aim for 3-4 minute maximum:
  • information about themselves and company,
  • why they need or want the student consultants, and
  • why they think the students might find this interesting or worthwhile to work on
Be sure client has read requirements of program to know that focus on just one aspect such as marketing or use of social media would not be an appropriately placed project for this class.

If you know of any businesses that would benefit from the students' analysis, please let the business owners know about the consulting services offered by Seattle University. Information about the SBI program and how to apply are provided below.

Small Business Institute Program at Seattle University 


Seattle University
901 12th Ave.
Seattle, WA 98122

Wed., June 20, 2012

Time: 2 PM

Cost: FREE

Please call Professor Stephenson at 206-819-3113 if you have any questions.


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