Friday, August 10, 2012

Seattle University is beginning it's 8th year of the Community Development Entrepreneurship Clinic and we are excited about the prospects for the upcoming year!


The goals of the CDEC are for business students and law students to work together to develop the practical, interdisciplinary skills required to identify clients’ needs accurately, and to work effectively with clients to provide them with meaningful, practical business and legal advice that will empower these entrepreneurs to succeed in their business ventures long after the clinic has ended.


 Business students and law students are teamed together as business consultants and legal advisers to local small business people. Teams will consist of two to four business and law students. Teams will be supervised by one of the two clinic faculty members (lead faculty); the second faculty member will provide supplemental assistance in the particular specialty (business or law). In addition, each team will be assigned two mentors – one law mentor, and one business mentor.

Mentors volunteer to meet regularly with the student-led teams to provide additional guidance, coaching, issue-spotting, and trouble-shooting. There are a variety businesses advised by the clinic. Some clients are current clients who come from one of three local micro-enterprise counseling organizations: Community Capital Development, StartZone, and Washington Community Alliance for Self Help (CASH). We recently expanded clinic services to more established firms that seek assistance in growing their markets or addressing some particular business challenge.

This course also seeks to contextualize the work of the clinic and that of the entrepreneur in a broader societal framework—how can (and do) business ventures aid in the development of communities? What should customers expect from small business owners? Do entrepreneurs have broader community responsibilities beyond the provision of the business goods or services at a profit? What does the concept of sustainable business development and growth involve?

 The application deadline is Friday, August 24. Please call (206) 325-4330 x100 for more info or for an application, or email

Please find a copy of our client application attached.

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